Chapter 5 Active Reading Guide Ap Bio Answer Key

COURSE SCHEDULE & RESOURCES 2021-2022: Ms. Margaret Bahe
Monday and Thursday Labs

BioInFocusImage Bio in focus SG AP lab manual

biology collage

Jump to Specific Units by clicking below:
Fall Semester Spring Semester
  • Resouces Canvas for JBS
  • Course Overview Binder pages 1 - 18
  • Unit 1: Chemistry of Life, especially water; Apply to Seed Germination & Xylem Transport Binder pages 19 - 86
  • Unit 2: Cell Structure & Membrane Transport; Apply to Phloem Transport & Osmoregulation Binder pages 87 - 142
  • Unit 3: Metabolism & Enzymes; Apply to Human Digestion Binder pages 143 - 192
  • Unit 4: Energy Process - Respiration; Apply to Gas Exchange Systems Binder pages 193 - 248
  • Unit 5: Energy Process - Photosynthesis; Apply to adaptations for Environmental conditions Binder pages 249 - 288
  • Unit 6: Cell Division & Regulation of Division; Binder pages 289 - 346
  • Fall Final Exam Binder Pages 347 - 358
  • Unit 7: Cell Signaling & Communication; Apply to Neuron Transmission, HormoneCommunication & Immunity Binder pages 1 - 38
  • Unit 8: DNA, Protein Synthesis; Apply to Biotechnology Binder pages 39 - 162
  • Unit 9: Genetics & Inheritance; Apply to BioEthical Issues Binder pages 163 - 222
  • Unit 10: Natural Selection & Diversity Life Binder pages 223 - 328
  • Unit 11: Interactions: Plant & Animal Response, Behavior & Ecology, Origin of Life Binder pages 329 - 412
  • Review Separate Binder TBA(Coming in late April)

Textbook Campbell's Biology in Focus, 3rd Edition, published in 2019. Sections indicated from the syllabus are from this text. Students need not bring their texts to class unless specifically asked to do so. Students can also access the text online. Use the text as a resource to explain the topics discussed in class and lab.

Study Guide &
Reading Guides

Study guide to accompany Campbell's Biology in Focus. Specific sections from each chapter will be noted on the syllabus. In addition, students will find a wealth of study aids on the website that accompanies Campbell's Biology in Focus.
Lab Manual AP Biology Investigative Labs (published by the College Board) plus numerous addtional labs described in handouts in the class binder. Updates to the first edition are available here. The HHMI guide to statistics is extremely helpful.
Lab Results Students will keep a record of their laboratory work in their notebook/binder, including all raw data collection and documentation of their laboratory investigations. Students will also be writing formal lab reports and data analysis on most of their investigations.



Students will use the syllabus below for both daily and long term asssignments. Due dates and specific details may be adjusted during class. Reading assignments should be completed before class, although "pop quizzes" will never be given. Some students find reading more helpful after having heard discussion of the topics. The textbook should be used as just one of many available resources to help clarify concepts. Often a short (5-15 minute) video clip or two is offered to present the content in addition to the text.
Binder Students will receive both a Fall Binder, a Spring Binder and a Review binder. These binders should be brought to class and lab everyday. They contain diagrams, handouts, worksheets, lab descriptions, practice problems, and other useful materials for the efficient flow of class. Students should add their own notes directly to this binder.
Reading About Biology
  • Here are just a few resources with current articles about biology: Science in the Classroom from the Journal Science. Other sources for free journal articles:
  • Directory of Open Access Journals
  • Free Medical Journals
  • PubMed Central: Free journal articles
  • PLOS or Public Library of Science and
  • The Scientist
  • Science News
  • Annotated Science papers from Science
  • New York Times Science (10 free articles accessed per month)
    Listening to Science Raps and Rhymes: Science with Tom

 UNIT #1

 1: THE CHEMISTRY OF LIFE: Binder Pages: Unit1

Week 1: August 26 - 27: school begins (Two Days)
Class 2
  • Quick Introduction to course
  • Marshmallow Challenge (Reference)
  • Asking Scientific Questions: The Spitting/Jumping Fish or spiders;
  • Hypotheses & Predictions
  • How to write a strong research report
  • How to Write a Research Hypothesis (from NABT)
  • (Option: 00 Case Study Guilty Dogs; Spiders)
  • Welcome Back!!
  • Here is where the assignment for this day would be listed.
  • If you stumble here in the summer, feel free to peruse chapter #1
Class 3
  • Chemistry for Biology (Use the periodic table Binder pg. 21-22);
  • Emphasis here is on types of chemical bonds & electronegativity
  • Phet Simulation: Molecule Polarity & Bond Character (not much here)
  • Chem Review ppt
  • Reference Text 2.1 - 2.4** or
  • Watch chemistry Background for Biology (kind of dull but helpful)
**Nearly everything we talk discuss in Chemistry today should be review since you have had an entire year of chemistry. A couple of concepts will be indispencible, so concentrate on isotopes, energy levels, valence shell electrons, electronegativity & types of bonding which are sections 2.3 and 2.4.
Week 2: August 30 - september 3
Lab 1
  • Lab Set Up: Scientific Method: Design an Experiment: Seed Germination (Binder 23-24)
  • How to write a research hypothesis from NABT
  • discuss H-Bonding and lead into water
  • Begin Lab Activities: Water's Properties; (Binder pg. 31-32)
    Water Properties ppt;
  • Text 1.1 (Skim), 1.2 (Skim), 1.3 (Read)** (See below)
  • Lots of Housekeeping things:
    • Read Science Policies Binder pg. 3;
    • Register for Campbell's website (Binder pg 4);
    • Sign the Safety contract (Binder pg. 5)
    • Find our class website;
    • Insert Dividers into binder (See above box for pages # on units)
**Use your text as a reference. Much of the Biology content of the course will be discussed in class and your text will serve to help explain that content in another way. You may read the content before or after class; you will never have a "pop quiz" on a night's reading but sometimes you will be expected to be ready to discuss the reading in classs.
Class 1
  • Finish Lab Activities: Water's Properties; (Binder pg. 49-50)
    Water Properties ppt;
  • Lab: Check Seeds, record data
    • Two Bozeman videos: Ocean Acidification and Coral Bleaching
  • Text 2.5;
  • Nice short summary here
    on the properties of water.
  • Practice: Chemistry Review (Binder 45-47) Answers to Chem Review - check yours;
  • OPTIONAL: Watch Bozeman's Water - A Polar Molecule
Lab 2
  • Intro to Statistics: Means, Medians, SD, SEM and 95% CI
  • Introduce and Practice using EXCEL for data tables and graphs
    • Use seed data; (See Introduction to Data Analysis Binder 23+ and 65+) Discuss evaluation of the data.
  • Text 3.1**(Reading ahead about Carbon)
  • Watch "Making a Line Graph in Excel" (6.5 minutes - use as future resource)
  • Today in class we will be working with Excel.  If you would like to work on your own personal computer rather than a school computer, feel free to bring yours to lab today.  You are always welcome to use a JBS Science computer, too.
**I will ask you to memorize the functional groups in figure 3.6: name, formula (from Textbook pg. 48) and properties conferred (from class); you could make some flashcards to help you learn these.
Class 2
  • Check Seeds; record Data and enter into the Excel file
  • Skill: Interpreting a Scatter Plot with Regression Line: Text pg. 41 (Binder page 63): Carbonate ion concentration and Calcification Rate of a Coral Reef
    • Two Bozeman videos: Ocean Acidification and Coral Bleaching
  • Carbon & Functional Groups (Use Binder pg. 53)
    • Carbon ppt
    • Use organic molecules models All Organic Molecules ppt
    • Discuss writing the first essay
  • Text 3.2
Class 3
  • Introduce Polymers; Carbohydrates (Binder pg. 69+)
    • Use organic molecules models All Organic Molecules ppt
    • Mass Plants
  • Text 3.3
  • Watch Bozeman's Carbohydrates
  • Work on seed germination lab report
Week 3: Sept 6 - 10 (3 DAYS --  No Mon. Labor Day or Tues. Rosh Hashanah)
Lab 1

No School - Labor Day

No School
Class 1

No School - Yom Kippur

No School
Lab 2
  • Application: Water Transport in Plants
  • AP Lab #11: (Begin) Transpiration in Plants: Set up (Binder pg. 57+);
    • Input data into Google Spreadsheet (See your email)
  • Complete any parts of the Seed Germination Lab Report.
  • Text 29.5 - Pay particular attention to how the properties of water are used in the process of water transport
  • Watch Plant Transport: Xylem & Phloem (Med. Animations) (5.5 min)
  • Work on seed germination lab report
  • Relevent: AP Lab Manual pg. 135 - 137
Class 2
  • Finish Carbohydrates (Binder pg. 69+)
  • Begin Lipids (Binder pg. 72+)
    • All Organic Molecules ppt
    • Mass Plants; Bahe will mass over the weekend
  • Text 3.4 and/or
  • Watch Bozeman's Lipids;
  • Write Essay #129 on water (See below)
  • Work on seed germination lab report
Essay #129: The unique properties (characteristics) of water make life possible on Earth.  Select three properties of water and:
a.  For each property, identify and define and explain it in terms of the physical/chemical nature of water.
b.  For each property, describe one example of how the property affects the functioning of living organisms
Class 3
  • Finish Lipids;
  • Begin discussion of protein structure (Binder 74+);
    • Build with toobers
  • Text 3.5
  • Watch Bozeman's Proteins;
  • Optional: Watch: Summary of What is a Protein? (3.5min) Includes some functional examples
  • Optional: Denaturation of proteins -
  • Optional: Want more information on exactly what SEM and 95% CI are? Try this 10 min. video: Standard Deviation & Standard Error of the Mean (very clear and straightforward)
Week 4: Sept. 13 - 17 (4 days - Thurs. Yom Kippur)
Lab 1
  • AP Lab #11: Measuring Stomate Densities
    • Put data into Google Spreadsheet
    • HHMI Guide to Statistics can be helpful here
  • Mass Plants
  • Complete Lab on Seed Germination
    • One data table
    • Two graphs made with EXCEL with error bars on the bar graph;
    • Short conclusion - items #1-3 from Lab Report Binder p. 11)
    • Due TODAY
  • Useful videos:
    • How to add error bars to Excel graph (nice accent);
    • How to add error bars in Google Chart.
  • Watch video: Bozeman's Finding Stomata (4.5 minutes)
Class 1
  • Complete proteins & organic molecules (Binder pg. +74)
    • All Organic Molecules ppt
    • Model protein structure with toober toys
  • Bring your College Board login info so we can sign up for AP Bio Classroom
  • Practice identifying the organic molecules illustrated on Binder Page 59;
  • Watch Bozeman The Molecules of Life; reviews Carbon, Groups, & organics (10 min);
  • Look over unit objectives - What questions do you have?
  • Optional Statistics fun: Look at these Spurious Correlations
  • Optional/ Absentees: Here is a good summary of protein structure by Dr. Dave: Protein Structure (11 min)
Lab 2
  • AP Lab #11: Transpiration in Plants: Follow-up; (Binder pg. 57+);
    • Determine leaf surface area;
    • calculate water loss per surface area unit;
    • Discuss evaluation of data;
    • all students will evaluate one environmental factor's efect on the transpiration of two plant types.
    • Transport in Plants ppt
  • Plant Structure & Transport (Binder 109);
  • Optional: simulation for the effect of temperature on the rate of transpiration with a new technique to measure transpiration -
  • Optional: If absent: Xylem & Transpiration (Khan Academy)
  • Text 29.6;
  • Watch How Stomata Can Open & Close (1.5 min.)

Class 2

No School - Yom Kippur

No School
Class 3
  • Review: AP Classroom Personal Progress check
    • Multiple Choice
    • Essay examples
  • Selected Questions from Unit 1 Personal Progress Check (Binder pg. 79 - 86)
  • Answers are posted here. check yours.
  • Write answers to Stomate Questions (Handed out in class or link provided)

 UNIT # 2


Week 5: sept. 20 - 24 (Blue & Gold week)
Lab 1
  • Data Analysis of Transpiration (Excel)
  • Lab Skills: Using spreadsheets to do calculations, create data tables, calculate statistics, and draw graphs for transpiration lab. (Binder 57+); you should leave lab today with all data done for at least one question. (Final Transpiration Lab Report is due ......)
    • Useful Video: Adding Error Bars in Excel (2 min)
    • Intro to Statistics ppt
Class 1 TEST: Unit #1 (See essay question below)
Chapters: 1 , 2, 3, parts of 29 (29.5 - 29.6)
Prepare for TEST
Write Essay Question #
Test Essay 57. Discuss the biological importance of each of the following organic compounds in relation to cellular structure and function in plants and animals. Include how the structure of these molecules allows them to carry out these functions. a. Carbohydrates. b. Proteins c. Lipids. d. Nucleic acids {Comments: Ignore nucleic acids for now. Don't restrict yourself to only cellular structure & function. Do other levels too. The last sentence in italics is mine; it's not part of the original question.}
STUDY GUIDES Write the answers to the following in your study guide
Ch. 1:
Focus Questions: 1.6 - 1.7  Multiple Choice: 1-3, 5, 6
Ch. 2: Focus Questions: All except 2.12 Structure your knowledge:1, 3Multiple Choice: All except 22 and 43
Ch. 3: Focus Questions: All (write 3.9 to the left- include at least 8 links) except 3.10 and 3.11 (we will not study nucleic acids now) Structure your knowledge: 2, 3 & 4 (You will need a sheet of paper for #4) Matching All except 3 and 6 Multiple Choice: All except 6, 14, 22, and 24-26

Objectives for Unit #1
Working With Data: Feminization of Frogs, Testing Significance, Protein Structure

ESSAYS 149, 193,129, 199, 110, 35, 57, 110, 127, 152, 185,  31, 48a, 55a, 99, 109, 125, 134, 158, 175, 199, 212, 229
VIDEOS The videos section of the resurces provides links to videos that either are short snippets on individual concepts, or they are 10-15 minute presentations on a larger topic. Those done by Bozemen Science (by an AP Bio teacher named Paul Anderson) are the best. If you'd like to hear another point of view, listen to a presentation a second time, like to review orally, or need to make up a lesson becaue of an absence, then these Bozeman videos are for you. Peter Raven's site has numerous short animations on many topics we study.

Mr. Anderson (Bozeman Science) can walk you through
- Biological Molecules
- Molecules of Life
- Polymers
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids
- Proteins
- Water: A Polar Molecule
- Acids, Bases & pH
- Plant Nutrition and Transport
From 3D Medical Animations: (Great Visuals)
- Plant Transport in xylem and phloem

Need a little more on Protein structure? Check out Kristina Gremski's Proteins Part 1 and Proteins Part II.
Feeling weak on your chemistry? check out chemistry Background for Biology (by Gremski)
Kahn Academy has lots to offer for Chemistry Topics (Over 100!) You might like bonds, Periodic table, balancing equations, & pH

Statistics: Correlation is not Causation
Mr. Anderson teach some statistics: Chi-Square Test, Standard Deviation, Standard Error and Statistics for Science
Clear presentationof Standard Deviation & SEM
How to add error bars to Excel Graph (nice accent!)
Ted Talk: Marshmallow Challenge
A Professor uses the Archerfish for Asking Scientific Questions
FYI: Game/Puzzle on Protein Folding Video about the designer

Lab 2
  • AP Lab #4: Diffusion & Cell Size; Diffusion & Solute Size; Cell Races; (Parts 1 & 2 - Binder pg. 89+)
  • Demo: Celery &Carrots; Demo Iodine & Starch
  • Text 5.2
  • Watch Bozeman's The Cell Membrane (6.5 min)
  • Relevent AP Lab Manual Lab #4 Intro pg. 51 - 54
  • Work on Transpiration Lab:
    • Make progress on graph for Plant Type #2;
RadioLab (NPR) has a fun and interesting segment analyzing why small cells like sperm and bacterium need special adaptations for movement. 5 minutes of interest - scroll down to the video at Comparing Sperm Whales To Sperm: A Swimming Contest
Class 2
  • Intro to Cell Membrane Structure
  • Mechanisms of cell transport across membranes
  • Phet Simulation on Diffusion (could use as experiment)
  • Text 5.1
  • Watch Bozeman's Transport Across Membranes (14 min)
  • Work on Transpiration Lab:
    • Print out and turn in the Table and Graph for Plant 1 (Chard)
    • Make table and graph for plant 2 (the effect of your variable on English Ivy); due Monday
  • Optional: Review Cell Membrane Structure with Bozeman
Class 3
  • Discuss Mechanisms for Transport Across Membranes
    • (Use Binder page 99 and 101+- outline)
  • Membrane Structure & Function Modeling Diffusion ;
    • Cell Membranes & Transport ppt
    • Importance of cholesterol to membrane flexibility
  • Text 5.3 - 5.5
  • Watch Membrane Transport in Cells Symport, Antiport, Co-transport [3D Animation] (6 min) and watch Khan Academy's Membrane Fluidity (7 min)
Week 6: Sept. 27 - Oct. 1 (sat - Blue & gold dance)
Lab 1
  • AP Lab #4: Parts 3: Solute Concentration and Diffusion Rates; (Binder 89+);
    • Set up Google Doc for AP Lab #4;
    • Share results
    • During the 30 min. wait time, discuss WATER POTENTIAL
  • Bozeman's video on Cell Membrane Structure & Cell Walls is quite good
  • Complete AP Lab #4 parts 1 & 2 (Binder pages 89-91)
  • Work on Transpirasiton Lab:
  • Print and Turn in Data Table and Graph for English Ivy
Class 1
  • Share Data from Part 3: Solute Concentration and Diffusion Rates
    • Calculate the Percent Change in Mass (if not done in lab the previous day)
  • Cell Structure & Function (Binder 111+)
  • Transpiration Lab:
  • Using the stomate data from this Link, make a small data table of the stomate averages for chard and ivy with thier statistics.
  • Make a bar graph that compares the stomate numbers of chard and ivy with error bars.
  • Print and turn in the table and graph.
Lab 2
  • AP Lab #4: Part 4: Set up Determining Water Potential (Binder 93+);
    • Set up Google Doc for Part 4
  • Work on Part 3 of the Cell Transport Lab (Sucrose Molarity and rate of diffusion) - Collected later.
  • OPTIONAL: (Like to preview today's lab? Try Bozeman's
    • Osmosis Lab WalkThrough and
    • Water Potential (Both for AP Lab #4 Part 4))
Class 2
  • Follow-up to Lab Part 4: Determine the Water Potential of Potato and Vegetables;
    • Calculate percent change in mass;
    • Share data in Google Doc;
    • work on all parts of the lab
    • time in class for working on this lab.

  • Practice Labeling typical Cells (Binder 129-130)
  • Work on Transpiration Lab -
    • Make Data Table for comparing your two plant types
    • This would have your data for your variable for the chard and the ivy
    • HINT: You've done the calculations for the two experimentals; just organize the two set of data into one data table in a separate sheet.
    • This will be demonstrated in class.
Class 3
    • Food Transport in Plants & Osmoregulation in Fish (Binder page 109-110)
    • Transport in Plants ppt
    • Water Regulation (Osmoregulation in Fish (Binder 94) (See Bozeman Osmoregulation)
    • Contractile Vacuoles in protists & Central Vacuoles in plants

  • Text 29.7;
  • Watch Phloem Loading (2.3 min) and Watch Do Fish Drink Water? (2.5 min) and Do Fish Pee? (5 min)
  • Work on AP Lab #4
    • Part 4 - Determining the water potential of potato and another vegetable.
  • Optional: Phloem & Translocation (Khan Academy)
  • Optional: Osmoregulation in fish & Osmosis in Salmon
Week 7: oct. 4 - 8 (4 days - NO CLASSES WED FOR SENIORS - 7th Drey Land)
Lab 1
  • Lab: Plasmolysis in Plant Cells (Red Onion & Elodea) cells (Binder pg. 97)
  • Lab: Cell Structure (Binder 119+)
    • Make observations & Drawings of various plant, animal, protist & bacterial cells.
  • Practice sample water potential problems (Binder 134+)
  • Watch What is Plasmolysis (1 min. Med. Animations) LINK NOT WORKING
  • Try Water Potential Sample questions (Binder pg. 131-136+ #TBA)
    • Answers will be posted here.
Class 1
  • Begin Cell Structure & Function (Binder pg. 111+)
      • Cell Structure ppt
      • Use cards to compare cells to factories
  • Text 4.1 - 4.3**
  • Like videos? Try Bozeman's Cellular Organelles);
  • Work on Transpiration Lab -
    • Complete the data table and graph that compares the two types of plants;
    • Print and turn in the tqable and graph.
**You will need to memorize cell organelles, their structure (recognize in a diagram), and their functions. Start now making some flash cards -- remember -- you will benefit from making your own flashcards! Continue making flashcards with tomorrow night's reading.
Lab 2

No Classes for Seniors

Class 2
  • Cell Structure & Function (Binder 111+)
  • Text 4.4-4.7, 29.2
  • Review Bozeman's Water Potential video.
  • AP Lab #4: Complete All Parts, 1-5, of Lab Due Today (Binder pg. 89-97)
Class 3
  • Practice Water Potential Problems
  • Review
  • Possible: Origins & purpose of cell compartmentalization
  • Look at unit objectives.
  • Come with questions for your test (next week).
  • Begin working on conclusions for the Transpiration Lab
    • You will write one conclusion for the big overarching question: What is the effect of your variable on transpiration?
    • Address your two plant types and stomate densities in your conclusion.
    • See class for details

Week 8: Oct. 11 - 15 (4 Days - no school Fri - Report Writing)
Lab 1
  • Lab: Membranes and Temperature: Using a spectrophotometer to measure pigment leakages from red beet tissue.
    • Share data in lab and discuss results.  (Binder pg. 137 + and 141+)
    • Return Lab #4 on Cell Membranes and Water Potential.
  • Transpiration Lab: Write one conclusions for the lab (See binder page 12 for specific guidelines for conclusions)
  • You will be turning in your Transpiration Lab on Thursday.
  • Prepare for your upcoming test
Class 1

Test: Unit #2; Chapters 4 and 5 (not section 5.6)

Prepare for TEST
STUDY GUIDES Ch. 4: Focus Questions: 4.1 (b-d), 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 (a-d) Structure your knowledge: 1 - 4 (Use just a short phrase to summarize the function of each for #2, ) Multiple Choice: All except 3, 14 - 16
Ch. 5: Focus Questions: 5.1 - 5.7, 5.9; for 5.3 make the list [We will parts of Ch. 5 later in another unit; don't cross them out] Structure your knowledge: 2 Multiple Choice: 1 - 18 (some of these are quite challenging)
Ch. 29: Focus Questions: 29.2, 29.9, 29.10, 29.11 Structure your knowledge: #4 only (Write on the bottomon page 215) Multiple Choice: 3, 4, 6, 7, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

#137. Cells transport substances across their membranes.  Choose THREE of the following four types of cellular transport.

  • Osmosis
  • Active Transport
  • Facilitated Diffusion
  • Endocytosis
    For each of the Three transport types you choose,
    a) describe the transport process and explain how the organization of cell membranes functions in the movement of specific molecules across membranes; and
    b) explain the significance of each type of transport to a specific cell (you may use different cell types as examples.)
OTHERS Objectives for Unit #2
ESSAYS 1, 27, 41, 58, 70, 75, 94, 113, 117a, 127, 152, 137, 156, 156c, 168D, 170, 173, 177,

Mr. Anderson of Bozeman can help you with
- Cellular Organelles
- Compartmentalization,
- Cell Membrane Structure & Cell Walls,
- Transport Across Cell Membranes,
- SA/Vol Ratios.(Environmental Matter Exchange)
- Why are cells small?
- LAB: Diffusion Demo (How to Cut & Set up Potato cores)
- LAB: Water Potential - Discussion & Calculation
- Osmoregulation

You can try the Kahn Academy lectures for
- Parts of a Cell
- Diffusion & Osmosis
- Na+/K+ Pump

Take a tour of animal cell
Interactive from Learn Genetics: Cell Size & Scale
Youtube: Phloem Loading

 UNIT # 3

 3: METABOLISM & DIGESTION Binder Pages Unit 3

Lab 2
  • Lab: Measuring the Rate of Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions -
    • Identify catalase presence in various biological tissue
    • Learn technique to measure the rate of catalase reaction;
    • Choose a variable (Binder pg. 147+)
  • Text 6.1,
  • Do Watch Bozeman's Life Requires Energy for a big picture overview of energy & life;
  • Watch Bozeman's Enzymes (12 min)
Class 2
  • Introduction to Metabolism, Thermodynamics & ATP (Binder pg. 145+)
    • Metabolism, ATP & Enzymes ppt
  • Test 6.2 and/or
  • Watch Bozeman's ATP;
  • Transpiration Lab Due TODAY!
  • Write the second conclusion for the lab.
  • Print before you come to class.
  • Staple in the order of :
    • 1: Table, Graph for Plant Type #1,
    • 2: Table, Graph for plant Plant Type #2, and
    • 3: Table, Graph Plant Types #1 and #2 compared,
    • Bar graph of Stomate Densities,
    • (Everything above has already been graded; turn them in with your two conclusions)
    • Two Conclusions. (See binder page 12 for specific guidelines for conclusions)
Class 3

No School: report Writing

No School
Week 9: Oct. 18 - 22 (4 Days - no school Mon. - Report Writing)
Lab 1

No School: Report Writing

No School
Class 1
  • Choose a question about rate of enzyme catalyzed reactions
  • Gibbs Free Energy; Activation Energy & ATP (Binder pg. 145+)
    • Metabolism, ATP & Enzymes ppt
    • Can use Binder pg. 179-182 chemical Reactions & Energy KEY POSTED HERE;
  • Text 6.3 & 6.4
  • Watch Bozeman's Gibbs Free Energy;
  • Look at Binder pages Chemical Reactions & Energy (Binder 163-167);
    • we may work on this in class after discussion.
  • (ABSENT TODAY? Try Energetics ppt to review class)
Lab 2
  • Lab: Measuring the Rate of Enzyme Catalyzed Reaction
    • Run experiment;
    • Making a Mini-Poster using the template
  • Text 6.4
  • Think about your design for a controlled procedure to answer your question about enzyme rates
  • Rewatch Bozeman's Enzymes .
Class 2
  • Enzyme Regulation - Cofactors, Inhibition, Membrane Placement (Binder 154+)
  • Text 6.5
  • OPTIONAL: Try writing answers to Chemical Reactions & Energy (Binder pg. 163-167)
    • Compare your thoughts to the Key
Class 3
  • APPLICATION: Digestive Enzymes in the Human System (Binder pg. 169
  • +)
    • The Digestive System ppt
  • Work on Mini-Poster (Word Version or Google Doc's Version) on Catalase Investigation in pairs:
    • Google Docs Version
    • Recommendation is given in class
  • For google Doc -->  save a copy and share with M. Bahe
    • Divide up the sections per partner
    • TODAY: Make Title, Data Table & Graph; paste into poster
  • Text 33.2, 33.3 (Human Adaptations)
  • Watch Bozeman's The Digestive System (10 min), concentrate on anatomy & enzymes
  • If absent, this presentation may be useful:
    • 08 Intro to Digestion
Week 10: Oct. 25 - 29 (Fri - Halloween assembly; Submit-o-mania)
Lab 1
  • AP Lab #13: Experiment using Turnip Peroxidase (In lab manual) - Use the two different classes to collect all the data. First class extracts the peroxidase and starts data collection. Second class finishes data collection
    • Learn technique (Also binder pg. 155+);
    • Design experiment for evaluating whether the peroxidase from various root tissues have the same optimal pH
    • Share data in Google Doc
  • Google Sheet for recording data for today's lab
    Work on Mini-Poster (Word Version) on Catalase Investigation;
    • Google Docs Version
    • TODAY: Write Question, Background, Hypothesis & cite your sources (Literature)
  • Relevent: AP Lab Manual pg. 153 - 156 and/or
  • Optional: Watch video (13 min) AP Lab #13: Enzyme Activity with Peroxidase
Class 1
  • Class evaluates the data from Turnip Peroxidase
  • APPLICATION: Adaptations in Digestive Systems, especially the human system (Binder pg. 169+)
    • Lots of YouTube videos on digestive adaptations.
    • Digestion ppt
  • Text 33.4** (Non-human Digestive Sytsems)
  • Write the abstract and conclusion to the catalase lab; double check all details.
**As you read, pay particular attention to adaptations that increase the efficiency for mechanical and chemical digestion as well as absorption. Interesting article: Can Gut Bacteria Explain Your Mood?
Lab 2
  • Complete adaptations of Animal Adaptations to Digestion & Enzymes
    • Herbivores v Carivores
    • Ruminants
    • Carnivorous plants
  • Complete Mini-Poster on Catalase; Due today.
Class 2
  • Review for test (PPC multiple choice questions, essay)
  • Write one paragraph to answer the digestive question below.
  • Do PPC and check answers (Binder pg. 179-192 #1,2,3,5,10,11,12,18,21-23,30,36)
  • Here are the 08 Answers to Unit 3 Review Metabolism, ATP & Enzyme

The digestive system ingests, digests, and absorbs nutrients. Identify and explain one specific example within the human digestive system that illustrates each of the following:
(A) an adaptation to increase surface area for absorption
(B) an adaptation to increase the surface area of a substrate for enzymatic attack
(C) an adaptation to protect the system lining from digesting itself

Class 3

TEST: Unit #3; Chapters: 6, 33 (parts 33.2 - 33.5)
P repare for TEST
Essay #145 for the test

STUDY GUIDES Ch. 6: Focus Questions: All Structure your knowledge: 1 and 2 (try to answer these in one short sentence each) Fill in the Blanks: 1-10 Multiple Choice: All
Ch. 33: Focus Questions: 33.4, 33.5, 33.6, [Don't cross out 33.8 - we will use later] Structure your knowledge: 1 Multiple Choice: 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14
TEST ESSAY Write Essay #145 outside of class and bring to the test. Handed out in class.
OTHERS Objectives for Unit #3;
ESSAYS 26, 52, 81, 97, 123, 134, 145, 170, 185, 194, 202, 11, 49, 84, 90, 125, 154, 193, 199, 11, 49, 84, 90, 125, 154, 226

Mr. Anderson can talk you through...
- and overview of cellular energetics in general (respiration and photosynthesis)
- Gibbs free energy and why life requires it
- how matter cycles: the hidden part of cell respiration
- Enzymes
- the digestive system

National Geographic: the Digestive System (5 min - kind of gross but interesting video footage)
Iken Edu's Learn About Digestive System (Soothing English accent)

Kahn Academy will explain
- ATP and
- how ATP is hydrolyzed as well as fill you in on
- enzymes (catalysis, activation eenrgy, induced fit, structure & function)

AP Lab #13: Enzyme Activity with Perioxidase

About the enzyme catalase from the RCSB PDB Protein Data Bank

Week 11: Nov. 1 - 5 (4 days: Fri - No School; Conferences)

 UNIT # 4


Lab 1
  • AP Lab #6: Design an experiment to Measure Rate of Cellular Respiration (Binder pg. 195+) (This is part of the next unit).
    • Lab Seed/ Invertebrate Respiration ppt
  • Relevent AP Lab Manual pg. 71 - 72;
  • OPTIONAL: Watch Bozeman's Intro to Cellular Respiration Lab (Old method)

Class 1

  • Intro/Overview to Cellular Respiration:
    • Oxidation & Reduction;
    • NAD+,
    • Methods of ATP production;
    • Mitochrondrial structure
    • (Binder diagrams pg. +201)
    • Cell Respiration ppt
  • Text 7.1**
  • Try Bozeman's Cellular Respiration. It will be helpful to watch again AFTER we have discussed the process.
  • Optional: Animation of Cellular Resp. Stages (6 min) & NAD+
**For respiration and photosynthesis, you do NOT need to memorize the process. You need to be able to read the diagrams and answer questions about the process. You are likely to be presented with the diagrams.
Lab 2
  • Lab: Respiration at the organismal level: Human Lung Volumes & Breathing Rates
    • (Binder pg. 219 and 221+)
    • Lab Lung Volumes & Breathing Rates ppt
  • MAY NEED NEW LAB IF COVID-19 STILL PRESENT - Oximeter & Heart Rate????
  • Text 7.6 and 34.6;
  • Watch Bozeman's the Respiratory System (9 min) and
  • Watch Homeostatic Evolution (about respiratory system evolution from min. 7:30 - 11:20)
We won't be covering the human body completely. Here is an interesting video with lots of visuals about Inside the Living body (90 min.)
Class 2
  • Glycolysis (pg. 206+)
  • Introduce Krebs cycle
  • Text 7.2
  • Finish Follow up to AP Lab #6, Rate of Cellular Respiration (explained in class);
  • Optional: Bozeman's the Mitochondrion
Class 3

No School - ISACS & Parent Conferences

No School
Week 12: Nov. 8 - 12
Lab 1
  • (IF COVIDE 19 NOT PRESENT: Complete Data Gathering for Lab: Respiration at the organismal level: Human Lung Volumes & Breathing Rates (Binder pg. 201+)
    • Evaluate data for two questions (See lab)
    • Lab Lung Volumes & Breathing Rates ppt)
  • Adaptations for maximizing Oxygen Intake
  • Text 34.5 and 34.7
  • OPTIONAL Read: Making the most of muscle oxygen
Class 1
  • Krebs Cycle (pg. 209)
  • Electron Transport Chain (pg. 210+)
  • Text 7.3 and 7.4;
  • Start: Research and write about one food or product produced using fermentation
    • (See Binder pg. 215)
Lab 1
  • Thermoregulation: Binder page 235
  • Lab: The Effect of Temperature on the Heart Rate of Daphnia (Homeostasis) Binder 237+
    • Share Data
    • Construct graph,
    • add trendline and R2 value
    • Lab Daphnia & Thermoregulation ppt
    • Online options available if Daphnia of poor quality
  • Watch Bozeman's Thermoregulation (5 min) and
  • Watch Bozeman's explanation of the Q10 calculation (3.5 min) and
  • OPTIONAL: Watch Undead zombie flowers of Skunk Cabbage (Plant melts snow)
Class 2
  • Do an accounting of all ATP Production
    • Calculate Percent Efficiency
  • Anaerobic Respiration - How to recycle the NAD+ when no oxygen is available.
  • Text pg. 157 and sections 7.5 & 7.6
  • Finish: Research and write about one food or product produced using fermentation (See Binder pg. 215);
  • Try the review respiration multiple choice questions beginning on Binder p. 2241+ ; Answers will be posted here.
Class 3
  • Application: Adaptations of Human Respiratory systems (Binder pg. 231+)
    • Respiratory Systems & Gas Exchange ppt
    • Look at Adaptations of Respiratory Systems for other animals
    • Hemoglobin (Binder 233+)
    • Respiratory Systems & Gas Exchange ppt
    • Different types of hemoglobin maximize oxygen absorption at different devleopental stages
  • Review for test
  • IGNORE: Lab Report: Lung Volumes & Breathing Rates Binder pg. + (details explained in class)
Week 13: Nov. 15 - 19

 UNIT #5


Lab 1
  • Lab: Absorbing Light for Photosynthesis
    • leaf pigment chromatography & Rf values
    • absorption spectrum
    • leaf structure
    • (Binder pg. 251+);
    • Do Leaf Chomatography both qualitatively and quantitatively. (Use a spectrophotometer)
  • Text 8.1 & 8.2 (through p. 173) and text pg. 597 (on leaves);
  • OPTIONAL but interesting: The Chemistry of Fall Colors
Class 1

Test: Unit #4 Energy Processes, Celluar Respiration & Gas Exchange & Transport; Chapters: 7, 34 (parts 34.1, 34.3, 34.5 - 34.7)

Prepare for TEST - Test Essay: See below

STUDY GUIDES Ch. 7: Focus Questions: All except 7.6 Structure your knowledge: 3 Multiple Choice: All
Ch. 34: Focus Questions: 34.10, 34.11 Structure your knowledge: 2 Multiple Choice: 20 - 26 (Respiration)

#238. - see your canvas assignemnt for Tuesday, Nov. 16. (The question has a diagram, too hard to reproduce here).

OTHERS Objectives for Unit #4
Working with Data: Chemiosmosis, Air Flow in Birds, Measuring Residual Volume,
ESSAYS 25, 36, 63, 101, 105, 117, 127, 133,  165, 194, 6, 25, 37c, 42, 48b-c, 63, 71a,  80a, 87, 117b, 133, 141, 163, 194, 205, 17, 32, 54, 72, 80, 84, 96, 119, 130, 133, 146(e), 149, 155, 156B, 176, 200, 238

Mr. Anderson (Bozemean Science)can talk you through...
- and overview of cellular energetics in general (respiration and photosynthesis)
- how matter cycles: the hidden part of cell respiration
- The Role of Oxygen in Respiration
- LAB: Alternate Respiration Rate of Organisms technique
- The functioning of the Respiratory system
- The functioning of the Circulatory system
- The transition from water to land in respiration (second half from min 6:40 - end)
- Introduction to Thermoregulation
- Organsystems & Cooperation
- Thermoregulation
- LAB: The Q10 Coefficient

Kahn Academy will give you (more slowly)

- series of lectures on the details of respiration
- Red Blood Cells
- the Lungs & Pulmonary System
- Hemoglobin

Need a Break in Studying? Try Tom & Dericks' Respiration Song: Oxidate It or Love It

How to apply digital filter to Vernier's EKG trace (for your teacher)

Lab 2
  • Intro to AP Lab #5: Measuring the rate of photosynthesis in leaves: Leaf Disk Flotation (Overview - Williamson) (No binder Pages - See AP Manual).
  • What is the effect of light wavelength and/or light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis?
    • Class experiment.
    • Share Data in Google Sheet
  • Bozeman's video The Chloroplast
  • Read & Bring AP Lab Manual: 61 - 68;
  • Watch Sinking Leaf Disks (4.5min)
  • Watch Photosynthesis Lab Walk Through (6.5 min);
Class 2
  • Share data for the Quantitative Spectrophotometer readings of Spinach and one other leaf type
  • Chloroplast Structure  (Binder pg. 259+)
  • Photosystems
  • Light Reactions (Diagrams Binder 261+)
    • Photosynthesis ppt
  • Read Text 8.2 (start pg 173)
  • Watch Animation on Photosnthesis: Converting light energy to chemcial energy 7.5 min - Med. Animations
Class 3
  • Photosynthesis: Dark Reactions (Calvin Cycle)- Making Carbon Compounds (Binder 263)
    • Photosynthesis ppt
    • Pop beads can be used to follow the carbons
    • Lab: Set up Sordaria Crosses (Binder pg. 337)
  • Text 8.3, 8.4
  • Complete Chromatography & Leaf Anatomy Lab follow-up (Binder 255-257)
    • This 2 min. Leaf Structure video and
    • this 3.5 min. Structure of the Leaf video will be helpful for finishing the lab
  • Absent today? Here and Here are videos that explain the light reactions. Khan Academy does a nice job, too.
Week 14: Nov. 22 - 26 (No Wednesday, Thursday or Friday: Thanksgiving)
Lab 1
  • Lab: Measuring the rate of the light reactions using DPIP; (Binder pg. 269)
    • Using a spectrophotometer to determine the effect of
      • light's presence and
      • boiling chloroplasts on the rate of DPIP reduction.
  • Rewatch Bozeman's Photosynthesis
  • Read Binder pg. 269, intro to the DPIP lab.
  • Work on lab: Leaf Disk flotation (See below); Color Filter Spectra
  • OPTIONAL Video: the Calvin Cycle

  • OPTIONAL: Watch Mr. Bleier's DPIP Lab setup for DPIP experiment or DPIP Lab Explained (by an AP Bio Teacher)
Lab Report on Leaf Disk Flotation:
  1. Draw a well labeled picture or set of pictures illustrating the procedure that your team did
    For each of the two questions: What is the effect of (a) Light intensity and (b) Color of Light on the rate of photosynthesis in spinach?
  2. Write a hypothesis/method/prediction statement for JUST THE COLOR OF LIGHT QUESTION. Feel free to write this in several sentences.
  3. Construct a data table and a graph FOR JUST THE COLOR OF LIGHT QUESTION; no statistics are necessary
  4. Evaluate the results with reference to your hypotheses FOR JUST THE COLOR OF LIGHT Question; (a) use data to determine if the hypotheses are supported; (b) address any unexpected results; (c) identify two things about the procedure that we did not or could not hold constant that may have affected our results
Class 1
  • Application: Adaptations in Plants for Photosynthesis under hot dry condidtons:
    • C3, C4, CAM & Others (Binder pg 273291+)
    • Short Powerpoint with Notes Here
    • Watch Photosynthesis Part 5: C4 and CAM
    • Work on some review problems
  • Work on Leaf Disk Flotation Lab;
  • Text 8.3 (start pg. 179)
  • OPTIONAL: Missed class today? Try this video Photosynthesis Part 5: C4 and CAM that we watched in class and another that is further explanation of how C3 and C4 plants do photosynthesis
Class 2

No School - Thanksgiving

No School
Lab 2

No School - Thanksgiving

No School
Class 3

No School - Thanksgiving

No School
Week 15: Nov. 29 - Dec. 3
Lab 1
  • AP Lab #7: Statistics: Chi-Square Analysis Use Pennies, M&Ms, & Dice (Binder 291+)
    • Chi-Square Practice Problems Binder pg. 295-296)
    • Table of values pg. 294)
    • Mitosis ppt
  • REVIEW Photosynthesis (Binder pg. 259-268):
    • Review Light & Dark Reactions
    • Review: Multiple Choice Questions
    • Review: Compare Respiration & Photosnthesis
    • Review: Leaf Anatomy
  • Lab Report on Leaf Disk Flotation Due today.
  • Binder pg. 279-284  (MC & Leaf Anatomy) (Answers will be posted here)
  • OPTIONAL: For our lab, watch Bozeman's Chi-square presentation
  • OPTIONAL: Watch Bozeman's Photosynthesis & Respiration as a good review of the molecular processes;
Class 1 Test: Unit #5 Photosynthesis & Adaptations; Chapters: 8 and pg. 556 & 565
(You will need to compare Photosynthesis to Cellular Resp.)
Prepare for TEST - Essay written during test
STUDY GUIDES Ch. 8: Focus Questions: All except 8.7 Structure your knowledge: 1 (make on another sheet of paper and insert into the study guide: DO FOR SURE!) Multiple Choice: All
OTHERS Objectives for Unit #5
ESSAYS 6, 25, 37c, 42**, 48, 63, 71,  80a, 87 (very long), 117b, 133(a), 141**, 163**, 194, 205**, 133(a), 222** The ** indicate likely question for the TEST; you will write your essay during the test.

Mr. Anderson can talk you through...
- and overview of cellular energetics in general (respiration and photosynthesis)
- LAB: How to Find Stomata
- LAB: Walk Through Floating Disk Lab
- Photosyntheis (Light Rx, Calvin Cycle, Photorespiration & Adaptations to prevent it)

-Lab Technique: Mr. Bleier's: Using DPIP to measure rate of photosynthesis

- Help with C4 and CAM metabolism: Watch Photosynthesis part 5: C4 and CAM

Kahn Academy will give you (more slowly)
- background on oxidation & reduction plus ATP
- series of lectures on the details photosynthesis. Kahn includes a discussion of Photorespiration and C4 Photosynthesis, too.
- Animation on Photosynthesis
- Crash Course: Photosynthesis
- Leaf Structure's Adaptations for photosynthesis
Only for Those who are fascinated by C4 plant evolution (technical article)

 UNIT #6


Lab 2
  • Practice Chi-Square Problem (pg. 295-296)
  • AP Lab #7: Mitosis Sequence; Model Mitosis with chromosome beads
    • Lab: Microsocpe ID of Mitotic stages & Times for mitotic stages(pg. 303)
    • Lab: Squash & Smear of roots exposed to Lectin & Caffeine (use cards) (Binder 305+);
  • Text 9.2 especially figure 9.7:
  • Bring AP Bio Lab Manual;
  • OPTIONAL: Confused about the difference between Haploid and Diploid? Try Bozeman's Diploid and Haploid Cells
Class 2
  • Return Tests
  • Introduction to Mitosis and the Cell cycle (Binder pg. 277+);
  • Vocabulary of Cell Division:
    • DNA,
    • Chromososmes,
    • Diploid vs Haploid,
    • Homologous Pairs of Chromosomes
  • Mitosis & The Cell Cycle (G1, S, G2, M) -
    • Mitosis ppt
  • Do Matching Practice (Binder 287)
  • Text 9.1
  • Watch several of these videos:
    • Cell Cycle & Mitosis (6 min.- Med. Animations)
    • Mitosis Made Super Easy (5.5 min)
    • BioFlix Mitosis (3 min)
    • Bozeman's Phases of Mitosis (12 min)
Class 3
  • Meiosis (Diagrams Binder pg. 314+);
    • Meiosis ppt
  • AP Lab #7: Modeling Meiosis with popsicle sticks & bead chromosomes;
  • In class try chomosome Numbers (Binder pg. 315)
  • Text 10.1 - 10.2, & watch types of reproduction (asexual v sexual) 5 min
  • Watch: History of HeLa Cells (9.5 minutes) or Listen to Radiolab's Henrietta's Tumor (25 min);
    • (You will write about it soon)
  • Relevent AP Lab Manual pg. 83 - 90
Week 16: Dec. 6 - 10 (English paper due friday)
Lab 1
  • Lab: Meiosis Modeling
  • Discuss HeLa Cells (Binder pg. )
  • Write Henrietta Lachs & HeLa Cells Research Assignment (Binder 291)
  • Text 9.2 especially figure 9.7:
  • Bring AP Bio Lab Manual;
  • OPTIONAL: Confused about the difference between Haploid and Diploid? Try Bozeman's Diploid and Haploid Cells
Class 1
  • Meiosis (draw);
    • Nondisjunction
    • Creating Variation (4 ways)
    • Meiosis & gametogenesis in males & females Reproduction ppt
    • When is Meiosis used by animals, plants, & Fungus? Life Cycles in Animals, Plants & Fungi - Compare
  • Text 10.3 - 10.4
  • Watch Meiosis: Crossing Over and Variability (7 min.- Med. Animations)
  • Do Practice Chi-Square Problems (Binder pg. 276 #2 and 3)
  • Optional: Mitosis v. Meiosis (tutorial);
Radiolab (NPR Program) has a fun segment on why organisms produce so many sperm. If you have long drive (23 minutes) try listening: Why so many sperm? and on the way home (20 min) you can find out why males have persisted so long even though they seem unnecessary Deep Freeze. Another 10 minutes and you can find out about wood mice sperm who form cooperative "Sperm Trains."
Lab 2
  • AP Lab #7: Sordaria Crossing Over Analysis (Binder pg. 339+)
    • Sordaria ppt (Cards available);
    • Calculate Map distance (Binder p. 339+)
    • How to use Chi-Square to compare expected and observed cross-over frequencies
  • Watch Bozeman's The Sordaria Cross which will help explain what we are doing in Lab today.
  • Relevent AP Lab Manual (S93-S96)
  • OPTIONAL: Review Mitosis by watching BioFlix Mitosis Bozeman's Phases of Mitosis)
Class 2
  • Mitosis - Control of Mitosis --
    • How does a cell know when it's time to divide? (Binder 327+);
    • Checkpoints, Cyclins & CDks; Mitosis Regulation ppt
  • Intro to Cancer;
  • Text 9.3;
  • Work on Sordaria Lab Follow-up Binder 343-346.
  • Watch The Cell Cycle: Cyclins and Checkpoints (1 min)
  • Watch Cell cycle Control (1 min)
  • OPTIONAL: Watch Role of RAS & p53 (2.5 min Biology Animation videos) in cancer;
  • OPTIONAL: Confused by cyclins & cdks? Try watching other teachers lectures Regulation of Mitosis or Regulations on the Cell cycle or Cell Division: cyclins, MPF (esp. from 1:30 - 5:50)
Class 3
  • Cancer & Cell Division
    Review for Final Exam
  • Review for Final Exam: Practice AP Questions (Binder pg. 347+ and 349+)
  • Text 9.3 (pages 199-201)
  • Do follow-up to Sordaria lab (Binder Binder 343-346)
  • Complete some review problems Binder pg. 349+ (#TBA)
  • Optional: Cancer & Immunotherapy
Final Exam - Unit #6 will be on the final exam. ON THE FINAL EXAM; NOT A SEPARATE: Unit #6; Chapters: 9, 10
STUDY GUIDES Ch. 9: Focus Questions: All Structure your knowledge: 1, 2 (Write #2 on pg. 76) Fill in the blank: All Multiple Choice: All
Ch. 10: Focus Questions: All Structure your knowledge:1, 2 (note those that make it unique compared to Mitosis) Multiple Choice:All
OTHERS Objectives for Unit #6
Working with Data: cAMP
ESSAYS 93, 98, 134, 147(a), 53, 132, 160, 161, 169, 78, 84d, 103, 114c, 115, 146(a,b), 160B, 164C, 201, 142, 22, 80b, 100, 103, 112, 139, 169, 30, 100, 1, 18, 23, 77, 95, 115, 131, 158, 160B, 228, 240, 244 (Unit 7)

Mr. Anderson can walk you through
- mitosis, meiosis & the Cell Cycle,
- Phase of Mitosis - Events of each Phase
- Cell Division (Binary Fission, Mitosis, Meiosis)
- The Chi-Square Statistic
- what is cancer?
- LAB: The Sordaris Cross

- Cell cycle and Mitosis -> Great overview animation from Medicine Animations
- How the Cell Cycle Works --> from Medicine Animations (includes Mitosis)
- Meiosis: Crossing Over & Variability from Medicine Animations

Kahn Academy will give lectures on
- chromosomes, chromatids, and chromatin
- the phases of mitosis
- the phases of meisosis
- cancer

Animaltion: Role of p53 in cancer
All about HeLa: the Radiolab podcast and the Smithsonian interview with Rebecca Skloot, author of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.
Raven's animations: Signal Transduction,

People simulating sperm: The Great Sperm Race: Part I Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Fun way to learn a little biology (Each part is about 10 minutes)

Mitosis in a Blood Lily

Weekend Review Session: Saturday (12/11/20) Afternoon, time 2:30 pm, @ JBS
Week 17: Dec.13 - 17 Exams!!!
Monday Exams: Math (10 am) Prepare for your AP Bio exam
Tuesday Exam: Language (10 am) Bring questions to discuss
Wednesday Exams: History (10 am) Study for your other exams
Thursday Exam: Science (10 am) Review PPT Review sheet in binder pg. 363-373 Study for your other exams

No School - Winter Break Begins!


Winter Break: Dec 17 - Jan 2, 2022

Week 18: Jan. 3 - 7 Welcome back!!!

 UNIT #7


  • Pass out new Spring Binder; keep fall pages handy at home.
  • LAB ACTIVITY: PlayDoh modeling of Signal Transduction Pathways
    • Intro to External Cell Signaling & Communication: (Binder 5+);
    • Use Bozeman's Signal Transduction Pathways or Signal Transduction Pathway and Gene Expression (about epinephrine's action)
    • Use epinephrine (glycogen --> glucose) as example that uses signal transduciton pathway as response to environment
    • Bahe's Cell Signaling & Communication ppt
  • OPTIONAL Activity: Amazing Cells: Cells Communicate
    Cancer & Disruptions in cell signaling
    Cell Signaling ppt
  • Check out Bio-Rad's New CRISPR-Kit (TSTCRISPR)
    • BioRad's Activity on How CRISPR words
    • BioRad's Bioinfomratics Activity
  • Text 5.6 and
  • Text 37.1, 37.2, 37.3

  • OPTIONAL: Why bears don't get diabetes like we do Text 36.3 (not pg. 774);
  • OPTIONAL: The Learn Genetics Website has The Inside Story of Cell Communication tutorial and Cell communication involved in the Flight or Fight response.
Class 1
  • APPLICATION: Hormones & Signal Transduction Pathways (Binder 9)
    • Hormone Action: Steroids v. Protein Hormones;
    • Feedback in the Endocrine system;
    • Apply to Glucose, Insulin & Glucogon (Diagrams Binder 9) - Emphasize Negative Feedback Loop
    • Use Oxytocin for Postive Feedback Loop
    • Endocrine System ppt (part of Signal Transduction ppt)
      Insulin Signaling Pathway
  • Text 32.3 (Homeostasis pg. 678-680) and 32.2 pages 712-713 (Insulin & glucagon); and/or
  • Watch Bozeman Positive & Negative Feedback (start about min 8:20) and
  • Homeostasis in the Human Body (5 min - Med. Animations)
  • Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2, Animation (4 min)
Lab 2
  • Lab: ELISA Reaction in Panda Reproduction (or in COVID-19 Infection (Binder pg. 11+))
    • Lab ELISA ppt;
    • Show with Lab: BioRad's ELISA Explanation
    • Turn in Lab results at the end of the lab - Which Panda is ovulating?
  • Read Background on ELISA Binder 11-14
  • Watch this animation (2 min) and this animation (2 min) about the ELISA procdure; they help with the reading;
Class 2
  • APPLICATION: Immune System: Communication within the Immune System
    • Immune cells interact by cell to cell contact - APCs, T-helper cells
    • Cytokines regulate gene expression to allow for cell replication and division
    • Bahe's Cell Signaling & Communication ppt
  • Text 35.1 and 35.2
  • Watch: Bozeman's Cell Communication
RadioLab has entire episode about Blood including a timeline on the history of blood, where the hosts "consider the power and magic of the red liquid that runs through our veins." Here's a one minute news clip from AAAS Sciencenetlinks on other rare types of blood
Class 3
  • Immune System
  • Text 35.3
  • Try practice questionsbinder pg. 21 - 37; Answers postered here.

 UNIT #8


Week 19: Jan 10 - 14 (MICDS Winter basketball at MICDS;)
Lab 1 - Period 1 QUIZ: Unit #7; Parts of Chapters: 5, 16, 32, 33, 35, 36
Cell Signaling, Hormones & Immunity
STUDY GUIDES Ch. 5.6: Focus Questions: 5.10 - 5.12 Structure your knowledge: 3 and 4 (Try to write these on the bottom space on page 47) Multiple Choice:19 - 24
Ch. 32: Focus Questions: 32.4 Structure your knowledge: None Multiple Choice: 4, 6,  9
Ch. 33: Focus Questions: 33.8 only
Ch. 35: Focus Questions: 35.2, 35.3 (c & d), 35.4, 35.5, Structure your knowledge: 1, 2 (We will probably have done something like #1 in calss together; use another sheet of paper) Multiple Choice: 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 18
OTHERS Objectives for Unit #7 On Saturday we will have an exam review in the afternoon. Details TBA.
Working with Data: cAMP
ESSAYS NO ESSAY ON THIS TEST; JSUT MULTIPLE CHOICE 93, 98, 134, 147(a), 53, 132, 160, 161, 169, 78, 84d, 103, 114c, 115, 146(a,b), 160B, 164C, 201, 142, 22, 80b, 100, 103, 112, 139, 169, 30, 100, 1, 18, 23, 77, 95, 115, 131, 158, 160B, 228, 240, 244, 252

Mr. Anderson can walk you through
- evolution of cell communication
- cell communication
- signal transduction pathways
- effects of changes in pathways
- signal transduction & gene expression
- positive & negative feedback loops (including diabetes)
-the endocrine system
- Homeostatic Disruptions including dehydration
- The Reproductive System
- Development: timing & coordination
- The Immune System
- Vaccines & Herd Immunity
- Blood Types
- Animal and Plant Defense Mechanisms
- Review: Homeostasis (more than this unit)

LAB: ELIZA: Good Animation; Silent animation; From BioRad (our lab); From Sumanasic; From a BioRad company; The Biology Project; from U. of Michigan;
HHMI's Virtual ELISA Lab

Kahn Academy will give lectures on
- an intro to the endocrine system
- Glucose, insulin & diabetes
- cancer
Kahn has a ton of lectures on - The circulatory system including heart strucutre & function, thermoregulation in circulation, arteries v veins, blood pressure, heart depolarization

Crash Course: Your Immune System (nice review - entertaining talker)

Animation: Role of p53 in cancer
Harvard's Glucose Homeostasis tutorial
Raven's animations: Signal Transduction,

Hematology - the Coagulation Cascade
RadioLab discusses the first HIV/AIDS patient.

CBS News: Antibiotics & Food SupplyI, Part II

Lab 1 - Period 2
  • Experiments to Discover DNA is Hereditary Molecule (Binder pg. 43-44)
    • Griffith
    • Avery
    • Hershey & Chase
    • DNA ppt
  • AP Lab #9: Paper Activities in preparation Genetic Engineering Experiments (Binder 49+);
  • Choose one application of CRISPR OPTIONS (Binder pg. 129+) to research
  • Text 3.6, 13.1
  • Watch: What is DNA? (10 Min. - Structure) & DNA & RNA Part 1 (12 Min. Experiments)
  • OPTIONAL Watch: Crash Course in DNA Structure & Replication (a little entertaining - 13 min);
  • OPTIONAL Watch if absent: HHMI's Summary of History of DNA Discovery (17 min)
  • ********************
  • Absent? Try this video on Avery's Experiment and this one on Hershey Chase's Experiment
  • More options if absent: Try this MIT DNA lecture (Griffith/Avery 1:40- 12:00; Hersey/Chase 21:00-31:00 min) & Hershey Chase Experiment Explained;
  • OPTIONAL: More on the history of the discovery of DNA
Class 1
  • DNA: History of Discovery --> Watch Photo 51 (Rosalind Franklin);
  • Structure of DNA (Binder pg. 45+) DNA ppt
  • Text 13.4**
  • (Absent? Watch Photo 51)
**This is an introduction to many techniques (Plasmids as vectors, gene cloning, restriction enzymnes, electrophoresis, PCR, & DNA Sequencing). Over the next 3 weeks you will be using nearly all of thse techniques and will become much more familiar with them.
Lab 2
  • AP Lab #9: Restriction Analysis of DNA (Binder pg. 69+)
    • Genetic Engineering ppt
  • Watch Bozeman's Molecular Biology (14.5 min);
  • Relevent AP Lab Manual pg. 111 - 115;
Class 2
  • AP Lab #9: Follow up to Restriction Analysis (Binder pg 72+)
    • Construct a graph to determine fragment length;
    • Calculating the fragment sizes on the agarose gel (lab followup - Binder 73)
    • How to Make Restriction Maps (Binder pg. 77+) Extra Restriction Map Practice)
    • Try new Semi-log Graph paper
  • IF you don't know how to use semi-log graph paper, then watch semi-log graph paper (4.5 min)
  • Watch How to make a restriction map
Class 3
  • Meselson Stahl Experiment (Binder pg. 12)
  • DNA Replication - (Practice models available) (Binder pg.63+);
    • Telomeres
    • DNA ppt
  • Show Nucleotides are added in DNA Replication
  • Text 13.2 - 13.3;
  • Watch Bozeman's DNA Replication (10 min) and
  • Watch DNA Replication (6 min) (DNA Replication process 3D Animation; also here);
  • More on Telomeres
    OPTIONAL: Watch Bozeman's Meselson & Stahl Experiment
  • OPTIONAL: Missed class today? Try DNA Replication from MIT (very good)
Week 20: Jan 17 - 21(4 days; no Monday - MLK Day; dance show)
Lab 1

No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

No School
Class 1
  • Transcription & The DNA Code (Binder pg. 81+);
    • DNA Code Practice - Binder pg. 84
    • RNA processisng in Eukaryotes
    • DNA & Protein Synthesis ppt
  • Text 14.1 (pg. 283, 285-289), 14.2 - 14.3;
  • Watch Transcription & Translation (Bozeman) and
  • DNA Structure & Genetics (7.5 min - Med. Animations - GOOD!);
  • Link for the CRISPR applications assignment
  • OPTIONAL Watch: Translation & Transcription (Crash Course);
  • Missed class? Try Transcription (MIT lecture - Very Good)
Lab 2
  • AP Lab #8: Bacterial Transformation (Binder pg. 85-86)
    • Lab Bacterial Transformation ppt
  • Optional: Watch: Bacterial Transformation from MIT Help session
Class 2
  • Read results & count colonies of Bacterial Transformation
    • AP Lab #8: Calculate Transformation Efficiency (Binder pg. 87-90)
    Protein synthesis: Translation (Binder pg. 91+);
    • Polysomes (Binder pg. 97);
    • Translation/DNA Code Practice (Binder pg. 95)
    • Discuss protein targeting - How does a protein know where to go? (Binder pg. 97)
    • Watch Translation in class (from virtual cell) or DNA Translation Animation
  • Text part 14.4
  • Watch How Translation Works (3 min) (Medicine animations);
  • Read about your chosen application for Biotechnology on CRISPR
Class 3
  • Finish Translation Details
  • Discuss Transcription & Translation; practice with DNA Code Practice (p. 95)
  • Do Practice DNA Replication (Binder67 );
  • Write one detailed paragraph summarizing the process of DNA replication;
  • For absentees: How to calculate transformation efficiency (kind of confusing)
Week 21: Jan 24 - 28 (Thimun gone this week)
Lab 1
  • Lab: Drosophila Genetics;
    • Practice distinguishing males from females;
    • Set up Drosophila crosses (Binder pg. 167+)
    • Drosophila ppt
  • Do practice calculating transformation Efficiencies Binder pg. 89-90 (#1-3)
  • OPTIONAL: Watch the Amoeba Sisters How Cells Become Specialized (7 min)
  • OPTIONAL: Stem Cells Animations (Nucelus Medical Media - 5 min)
Class 1
  • Regulation of Gene Expression: Operons in Prokaryotes (negative control) (Binder pg. 99+)
    • Model Operon control with playdoh
    • Phet Simulation: Gene Machine: The Lac Operon
    • Phet Simulation: Gene Expression Essentials
  • Text 15.1
  • Watch Bozeman's Gene Regulation and The Lac Operon
  • Read about your chosen application for Biotechnology on CRISPR
  • Optional: Life Science - Protein Synthesis (Translation) - Nice Animations (6 min)
Lab 1
  • Lab: Begin Amplification of YOUR mitocondrial DNA for sequencing (Binder pg. 109+)
    • Extract the DNA
    • Set up PCR ;
    • PCR Process (3 min)
    • PCR Simulation Drosphilia Genetics on to predict disease in patients
  • Relevent AP Lab Manual pg. 97 -102;
  • Watch PCR Animation (very good, but slow - 5 min);
  • Read about your chosen application for Biotechnology on CRISPR
Class 2
  • Lab: Set up Electrophoresis of your DNA sample;
    • Run (Binder 109+)
  • Do Genetic Testing Exercise (Binder 121 - 127)
  • If ready, do practice for DNA and BioTech (Binder p. 139 #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (try), 7, 8 (very challenging - putting lots of stuff together), 9)
  • Text 15.2 & Review Text 13.4;
  • Watch Regulated Transcription
    OPTIONAL: Very nice animation review of transcription & translation McGraw Hill
Class 3
  • Regulation of Gene Expression: Eukaryotes (Binder pg. 105)
  • Discuss Types of Mutations (Binder pg. 119)
    • Point,
    • Frameshift,
    • Chromosomal Mutations,
    • Trinucleotide repeats -
  • Text 15.2, 14.5
  • Read Binder pg. 77-79 (More background to lab);
  • Watch Bozeman's Mutations;
  • After Class if you are still confused try: Regulation of Gene Expression: Operons, Epigenetics, and Transcription Factors
  • OPTIONAL: Example mutations with human diseases
Week 22: jan. 31 - Feb. 4 (No Fri - Faculty Professional Day)
Lab 1
  • Lab: Read your electrophoresis gel of your DNA sample;
    • Bahe will send for sequencing
  • Lab Round Robin Presentations: The Applications of CRISPR (Biotechnology - Binder pg. 129+);
  • Review for test;
    • Discuss essay on biotechnology
    • Review of BioTech ppt
    • Follow-up Biotechnology:
      • How to find a gene;
      • Putting together the Biotechnology tecniques
      • (Binder 135 - 138)
  • Text 13.4, p. 351-353
  • Make your slide presentation in our Google Presentation about one application of Biotechnology CRISPR.
  • Link for the original CRISPR applications assignment
  • OPTIONAL: NPR's Radiolab podcast on CRISPR's update (second half is the update; entertaining)
  • OPTIONAL: Science's annotated paper on CRISPR
Class 1
  • Eukaryotic Control of Gene Expression
  • Cancer - Lack of control -->
    • Genes gone haywire; (Binder pg. 133+)
  • Viral Reproduction -
    • Using Viruses as Vectors for Biotech (Binder pg. 133+);
  • Watch Bozeman's Viruses and Viral Reproduction
  • OPTIONAL: FYI Viral Evolution

Lab 2
  • Lab: DNA Extraction from Berries & Other Organisms (Binder pg. 165) (One Period)
  • Review for Test
  • Introduction to Mendelian Genetics Genetics ppt
    • Video Clip: Gregor Mendel
    • LAB: Release Drosophila F1 flies
    • LAB: Corn Genetics - Monohybrid Cross
    • Pedigrees for Mendelian characteristics
    • : Corn Genetics - Dihybrid Cross
    • LAB: Chi-Square analysis of corn data (Binder (table) 177+)
  • Text 11.1-11.2
  • Check our website daily for the problems assigned in class.
  • Please always do genetics problems on separate sheets of paper.
Class 2
  • Biotechnology: Putting it all together
  • Review for test
  • Watch Bozeman's Viruses and Viral Reproduction
  • OPTIONAL: FYI Viral Evolution
Class 3

No School - Professional Day

No School

 UNIT #9


Week 23: Feb. 7 - 11
Lab 1
  • Lab: First count the F2 Drosophila Flies (Binder pg. 171+)
  • Do Mendelian Genetics Problems Set #1 (Pg 179 #5, 6, 7)
  • Do Mendelian Genetics Problems Set #2 (Pg. 180 #1, 3, 4)
  • Do TEXTBOOK pg. 234 #3, 4, 13)
Class 1

Test: Unit #8; Chapters: 3.6, 13, 14, 15.1, 15.2,17.2

Prepare for TEST
STUDY GUIDES Ch. 13: Focus Questions: All Structure your knowledge:1 and 2 (Write on a sheet of paper) Multiple Choice: All
Ch. 14: Focus Questions: All Structure your knowledge: 2, 3 (Write #3 on the bottom of page 115) Multiple Choice: All
Ch. 15.2: Focus Questions: 15.1, 15.2, (15.4 labels here are notimportant; do you udnerstand this diagram?) Structure your knowledge: 1, 2 (a, b, c) Multiple Choice: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12
OTHERS Objectives for Unit #8
Working with Data: Determining Paternity, The Genetic Code, Recombinant DNA, Genomes, Cloning,
ESSAYS 37a, 76, 88, 114d, 144, 24, 35, 47, 64, 94, 106, 120b, 121, 144,  147(b), 152, 168C, 170, 183, 196, 206 (a, b), 9, 15, 16, 82, 134, 147(c), 156A, 160A, 164A, 166, 160A, 196 (c), 15, 88, 120, 128, 138, 153, 180, 196, 197, 207, 225, 233, 236 (b)(Ch 21: 15, 88, 120, 128, 138, 153, 180), 248, 250

Mr. Anderson will explain
- Nucleic Acids and What is DNA?
- DNA & RNA Part I (History of the discovery; Pro- v Eukaryotic Chromosomes)
- DNA & RNA Part II (Replication & Protein Synthesis) and DNA Replication (includes Meselson-Stahl Experiment) and Meselson Stahl Experiment Itself
- Transcription & Translation
- Gene regulation in Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes
- The LAC Operon
- Viral Replication
- Epigenetics
- Techniques of Biotechnology
- Signal transduction & gene expression
- Molecular Biology (Nice intro/summary of genetic engineering)

DNA Replication from Medicine Animations - GOOD!
Restriction Enzymes from Medicine Animations
How Translation Works from Medicine Animations

Epigenetics (See Bozeman, too):
Ghost in your genes (Nova's program on epigenetics)
Ghost in your genes (BBC's pgogram on epigenetics)

Phet Simulation: The Gene Machine: Lac Operon

Kahn Academy lectures about
- DNA (sections on Dentral Dogma, replcation, the geentic code, protein translation, and post translational modifications)
- DNA Structure & Replication (Crash Course): GOOD!
- DNA Structure & Classic Experiments - lecture segment from MIT and Part 2
- DNA Replication - lecture segment from MIT - very good
- Transcription & Translation (Crash Course): Entertaining, too.
- Transcription & Translation (Great drawing coincides with the explanation)
- Transcription & Translation - lecture segments from MIT - Very Good
- Gene control (sections on Lac-operon, chromatin regulation, regulation of transcription, non-coding RNA and Oncogenes)
- Genetic Mutations (types, causes, carcinogens)
- An Intro to Viruses
- Restriction Enzymes (10 minutes) - Slow but clear.
- How to Map a Restriction Map (a typical AP problem)
- BioRad's Restriction Digest Instructions
-From NPR: How Viruses Work (entertaining, too)-
From NDSU Virtual Cell Animations: Translation
-The Best PCR animation (it's just a little slow); clip on PCR shown in class
- From DNA Learning Center: PCR another: PCR animation
- Our Bacterial Transformation Lab
- Bacterial Transformation from MIT Help Session
- Historical 1971 reenactment of protein synthesis at Stanford. A Classic.

Lab 2
  • Introduction to Mendelian Genetics Genetics ppt
    • Video Clip: Gregor Mendel
    • LAB: Release Drosophila F1 flies
    • LAB: Corn Genetics - Monohybrid Cross
    • Pedigrees for Mendelian characteristics
    • : Corn Genetics - Dihybrid Cross
    • LAB: Chi-Square analysis of corn data (Binder (table) 177+)
    • LAB: Blood Type Determination???
  • Text 11.1-11.2
  • Check our website daily for the problems assigned in class.
  • Please always do genetics problems on separate sheets of paper.
Class 2
  • Continue with Mendelian Genetics
  • Dihybrid Cross
  • Exceptions to Mendelian Genetics:
    • Multiple Alleles;
    • Co-Dominance;
    • Incomplete dominance;
    • Epistasis;
    • Polygentic Traits;
    • Mitocondrial Inheritance;
    • Influence of the environment
  • (Note Text pg. 224 is useful for more explanation of today's class on Dom,Incomplete Dom, & Co-Dom)
  • Do Genetics Problems Set #3: Pg. 181 (#2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12)
  • Do Binder Pg. 175 Chi-Square Problem (all - it's one problem)
Class 3
  • Continue with Some Exceptions to Mendelian Genetics:
    • Multiple Alleles;
    • Co-Dominance;
    • Incomplete dominance;
    • Epistasis;
    • Polygentic Traits;
    • Mitocondrial Inheritance;
    • Influence of the environment
  • Text 11.3-11.4
  • Text 12.1
  • Practice Genetics Problems: Textbook pg. 234 #2, 5 (think! - no Punnett Square needed), 6a, 6c, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14 (similar to #9), 15, 18 and Text pg. 256 #2, 5) Check some answers in the back of the book.
  • OPTIONAL Article: Curious chemistry Guides Hydrangea Colors (Short)
  • Absent: Try this video on Sex Linked Inheritance
Week 24: feb. 14 - 18 (Fri - Grandparent's morninG, per 1-2)
Lab 1
  • Begin with short QUIZ
  • LAB: Drosophila Data Analysis
    • Receive class Drosophila data & directions to perform the data analysis (Binder p. 173-174 )
    • Time to discuss crosses
  • Pleiotropy, Newborn Screening
  • Environment (examples: height & weight, hydrangea, seasonal fur color, sex determination in reptiles, UV on melanin production, yeast mating types)
  • Introduce Sex-Linkage;
    • Test your Color vision here. or here.
    • Sex determination in other organisms (Birds - ZW; Bees - Haploid/Diploid)
  • "Ghost in your Genes "; BBC Version;
  • "Epigenetics Activities" from Learn Genetics Utah (Binder pg 81+)
  • (Check out What is Epigenetics? with Nessey Carey)
  • Do Genetics Problems Set #4: Pg. 183 (#1, 3, 4, 5, 6 - you must use two pairs of genes for #6)
  • Prepare for Short Quiz today
    Work on the study guide problems for chapters 11 and 12. Lots of good practice here!
  • LATER: Watch Bozeman Epigenetics (9.5 min);
    Data Here (Will be updated)
Class 1
  • Sex-Linkage
    • Practice Sex-linkage problems (Binder p. 185)
    • X-Inactivation & Barr Bodies
    • Sexual Development, Y-chromosome & SRY gene
    • Alterations in Chromosome Numbers (non-disjunction)
    • Calico Cats
  • Practice Pedigrees with human traits including sex linkage
  • Text 12.2
  • Watch Bozeman's Genetic Recombination and Gene Mapping
  • OPTIONAL: Sample Genetics Problems: Binder pg. 195-196 (answers on pg. 197)
    • You should be able to do the following numbers: 1-11, 13, 14, 16-20
  • OPTIONAL: Bozeman's Advanced Genetics from 7:45-10:30 will help with sex Linkage.
  • Discussion: Bioethical Dilemmas
  • Discussion on Types of Genetic Screening
  • Genetic Screening - Evaluate Bioethical Scenarios
Class 2
  • Autosomal Linkage (Binder p. 155) Linkage & Recombination Frequencies
  • Lethal Alleles
  • Begin Working on Drosophila Data Analysis as a team; check one another's work
  • Text 12.3 - 12.4;
  • Genetics Problems #5 Binder Pg. 185 (# Any not done in class) and Pg. 196 (#21 - 22)
  • OPTIONAL Text Problems: pg. 256 (#3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10)
  • Work on the study guide problems for chapters 11 and 12. Lots of good practice here!
  • Each lab team works together to complete all 5 Drosophila analyses (p. 173-174) - Data posted Here
  • OPTIONAL: Watch Bozeman's Chromosomal Genetics as Review & Intro to Linkage
Class 3
  • Pedigrees
  • Work on your crosses of the Drosophila Lab
  • Genetics Problems #6 Binder Pg. 189 (# Any not done in class) and Pg. 196 (#21 - 22)
  • Text Problems: pg. 256 (#3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10)
  • Work on the study guide problems for chapters 11 and 12. Lots of good practice here!
  • Genetics Problems from AP Website (Binder pg. 203-222 #TBA) Answers will be posted here.
  • Text 19.1
Week 25: Feb 21 - 25 (Winter musical - Fri, Sat, sun(4 days; No Monday - President's Day)
Lab 1

No School - President's Day

No School
Class 1
  • Genetics Review
  • Genetics Problems from AP Website (Binder pg. 203-222 #TBA) Answers will be posted here.
Lab 2 Test: Unit #9 (double period) - time given for working out problems; Chapters: 11, 12 Prepare for TEST
STUDY GUIDES Ch. 11: Focus Questions: All Structure your knowledge: 1, 2, 3 (May need a piece of paper) Genetics Problems 1-10 (DO THESE ON A PIECE OF PAPER) Multiple Choice: All except 7
Ch. 12: Focus Questions: All Structure your knowledge: 1, 2 Genetics Problems 1-5 (DO THESE ON A PIECE OF PAPER) Multiple Choice:All
The pracctice problems in chapter 11 and 12 of the study guide are very good for becoming familiar with and testing your understanding of genetics problems.
OTHERS Objectives Unit #9;
ESSAYS 69, 98, 120a, 136, 157, 4, 15, 34, 40, 112, 120a-b, 132, 166, 203 (a, b), 219 (c), 251

Mr. Anderson of Bozeman Science will help you with
- Mendelian Geneics
- Genotypes, Phenotypes & Mutatiaons
- Gentoytpe Expression & The Environment
- Advanced (non-Mendelian) Genetics
- The Chi-Square Statistic
- Probability & Genetics
- Chromosomal Genetics & Genetic Recomgination and Gene Mapping & Linked Genes
- X-Inactivation

Kahn Academy can lecture you about
- An Intro to Heredity
- Using Punnett Squares
- Sex-linked Traits

Entertaining 10 minutes on Gregor Mendel from SciShow
Mendel - From the Garden to the Genome (Biography - 30 minutes)
About Fainting Goats & the Science behind them; watch them at Fainting Goats & at A Herd of Fainting Goats

 UNIT #10


Class 2
  • History before Darwin
    • Evolution & Natural Selection ppt -
    • What did each contribute? (Binder p. 227)
  • Text 19.1
  • Watch: History of Evolutionary Thought (10 min)

    OPTIONAL: Evolution Gems from Nature;
    BBC's How Do We Know Evolution is Real? Science with Tom - Rap Song on Evolution: 3.5* 'Til Infinity
Darwin Day, Feb 12: Baba Brinkman raps an ode to Darwin. He has an entire album of rap songs for Evolution. Click HERE.
Class 3
  • The tennets of Natural Selection
    • Charles Darwin
    • Alfred Wallace

Week 26: feb. 28 - mar. 4 (4 days - tue. MAY PROJECT contact)
Lab 1
  • Lab: Bird Beak & Seed Size Simulation: The Law of Natural Selection (Binder pg. 229-230);
    • Optional: Use Chi-square to analyze data Evolution & Natural Selection ppt
  • Text 19.2 (Next Unit)
  • Watch Bozeman's Examples of Natural Selection
  • Work on your crosses of the Drosophila Lab
  • Optional: Darwin, the Story behind the Science and Wallace, the Story behind the Science
  • OPTIONAL: Ironing it Out (Survival of the Sickest)
Class 1

No AP Bio Class; Visit your May Project Sponsor

  • No AP Bio Class
Lab 2
  • LAB: Debate on Evidence for Evolution - Pairs describe and then argue for the most convincing/least convincing
    • Evidence for Evolution ppt (pg. 231)
    • Which is most convincing?
  • LAB: Begin HARDY-WEINBERG Simulation
  • Drosophila Lab Report due TODAY.
  • Text 19.3 OR
  • Watch Bozeman's Evidence of Evolution and Evidence for Evolution II;
  • Absent? Watch segments of "Evidence of Evolution Made Easy"
  • For Teachers Handout: list of resources for evidence of evolution
Class 2/ Lab
  • Lab: Hardy-Weinberg Simulation (cards) (Binder pg. 235+);
    • The Assumptions for Hardy-Weinberg
    • Change in Gene Frequencies -> Microevolution;

Lab: Using AlleleA1 for Mathematical Modeling of H-W More simulations: U. of Wash.and Radford U.;

  • Text 21.1-21.2;
  • Do Practice Evidence of Evolution (Binder pg. 233-234)
  • Watch Bozeman's Genetic Drift
Class 3
  • LAB: Complete Hardy-Weinberg Simulation (cards) (Binder pg. 235+)
  • Practice of Hardy-Weinberg problems
  • Bozeman's The Five Fingers of Evolution
  • Do HW Problems Binder pg. 244 (#1 - 6)
  • There are many more practice problems on pg. 245+ which we will do later.
Week 27: Mar. 7 - 11 (No Friday - spring Break; tue. is Science test day)
Lab 1
  • Using HHMI's Finches Beak to evaluate Grant's work (Binder 255-264)
    • Short Film on Grant's work on Galopogos Islands
    • The Beak of the Finch or on YouTube;
    • Sorting Finches;
    • Excel File of Grant's Data for Statistical Data to analyze
  • Do H-W practice problems p. 245+) #1, 3, 6, 9 (harder), 11, 13 (hint, determine p & q in current population and then use these to predict the next the generation; are they the same?), 17 (remember the rules of probability), 25
  • Helpful for absentees: Hardy Weinberg Equation and Five Fingers of Evolution (5 min)
Class 1
  • Discuss causes for evolution; Practice Worksheet (Binder p. 249+)
  • Four Types of Natural Selection
    • Directional
    • Stabilizing
    • Disruptive
    • Sexual
  • Maintenance of Variation - Mutation
  • Text 21.3, 21.4
  • Read these two articles about sequencing the CoVID-19 geneome:
    • The Scientist and
    • L.A. Times

Lab 2
  • A Case of Sexual Selection and Evolution (Binder pg. 265+)
    • Cornell's Ornithology Activity on Sexual Selection and the video resources
  • LAB: HHMI: Creating Phylogenetic Trees from DNA Sequences (Tutorial)
    • Sorting shells (Binder pg. +) SEE NEW PENGUIN CARDS
  • LAB: AP Lab #3: Using CLUSTALX & nPLOT Use new programs (similar to BLAST) to investigate evolutionary relationships
    • Ask your own Questions (Binder pg. )
  • Blast Education resources; practice files from AP Central
  • Text 20.2, 20.3
  • Watch Bozeman's Phylogenetics and Cladograms
  • Read Bring AP Lab Manual pg. 41 - 44;
  • Do Practice for Evolution (Binder pg. 301-336 #5-7, 9-13, 16-20 and write #27);
Class 2
  • LAB: Practice making cladograms & reading cladograms (Binder p.277+)
  • Complete Follow-up to Beak of the Finch (Binder 255-264)
    • including your 4 bar and
    • 2 line graphs - See your class for complete directions;
    • answer all questions)
    • Video from class on the Finches may help with questions (15 min)
Class 3

No Class - Spring Break Begins!!!

No School - SPRING BREAK!!

Spring Break: March 11 - 27, 2022

Week 28: Mar. 28 - April 1 Welcome back!!
Lab 1
  • Continue Evolutionary relationships using BLAST;
    Analyze your own DNA - compare to classmates and worldwide
  • Finish using CLUSTLX, NJPLOT, & BLAST to investigate evolutionary relationships
  • Practice reading models and diagrams: (Parts 1 and 2)
  • Practice reading and making cladograms
  • Do Evolution Practice (Binder 293+ #15, 22-26, 32-34, 40-47 and write #30)
  • OPTIONAL: Bozeman has a couple of nice evolution review videos: Natural Selection Review and Speciation Review
Class 1
  • What is a species?
  • Speciation: Allopatric & Sympatric Speciation ppt;
  • Reproductive Isolation & the Tempo of Evolution
    • Binder pg. 289 - Practice classifying Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms
    • Speciation exampples: Hawaiian Drosophila, Caribbean Anolis, Apple Maggot Rhagoletis
  • Text 22.1, 22.2;
  • Read "Speciation in Real Time"
  • Watch Bozeman's Speciation
  • Absent today? Try this lecture Speciation
Lab 1
  • Rates of Evolution.
    • Use evolution of the stickleback (case study) as mechanism for punctuated equilibrium (Binder pg. 283-292).
    • Bozeman's Stickleback Evolution and
    • Evolving Switches, Evolving Bodies;
  • Text 22.4, Figure 23.22 on text pg. 476
  • Text 23.4
  • OPTIONAL: current examples of speciation: Lizards, Mice, Palm trees, Fish; Bizarre new lizard genetics, watching speciation occur, Birdfeeders & Black capped Warblers, London's Subway Mosquito, Giant Insect Splits Cavefish
Class 2
  • The Broad Patterns of Evolution:
    • Mass Extinction
    • Adaptive Radiations
  • Practice Evolution Problems (#TBA)
Class 3
  • Review of Evolution
  • Practice Essay Question
  • Practice Evolution Problems (#TBA)
Week 29: April 4 - 8 (Saturday is prom)
Lab 1 Test: Unit #10; Chapters: 19, 20(.1 & .3), 21, 22, 23 (23.2; 23.4) , 24 (24.1, 24.4), 25 (25.1 - 25.2) Prepare for TEST
STUDY GUIDES Ch. 19: Focus Questions: 19.1 - 19.4 Structure your knowledge: 1 Multiple Choice:All
Ch. 20: Focus Questions: 20.1, 20.3 Structure your knowledge: None Multiple Choice:1 - 6, 9 - 14, 16
Ch. 21: Focus Questions: 21.2, 21.3, 21.4, 21.5, 21.6 Structure your knowledge: 2 (Write on the bottom of page 159) Multiple Choice: All
Ch. 22:
Focus Questions: 22.1, 22.2, 22.4, 22.6 Structure your knowledge: 2, 3 (Write on the bottom of page 164) Multiple Choice: All except 2, 7, 12
Ch. 23: Focus Questions: 23.3 Structure your knowledge: None Multiple Choice: 3, 5, 7 11
Ch. 24: Focus Questions: None Structure your knowledge: 1 (Write on the bottom of page 177) Multiple Choice: 1 - 4
Ch. 25: Focus Questions: 25.1 Structure your knowledge: None Multiple Choice: None
OTHERS Objectives for Unit #10
Working with Data: Animal Phylogeny, Phylogenetics, Reproductive Isolation, Prebiotic Molecules,
ESSAYS 37b, 51, 116, 150, 160, 162, 5, 38, 67, 79, 102, 116, 121, 136, 160D, 162, 191, 195, 203 (c), 206 (c), 14, 21, 62, 91, 150, 192, 195, 143, 164A, 164D, 207 (a), 223, 230, 232, 236, 239, 243, 245 (long)

Mr. Anderson will walk you through
- Natural Selection
- Examples of Natural selection
- Cellular Variation (Examples, Heterozygous Advantage, Gene Duplication)
- Population Variation (Examples at the population level, calculate allele frequencies (HW))
- Intro to Hardy Weinberg & Population Genetics
- Solving Hardy Weinberg Problems
- Genetic Drift
- Evidence for Evolution
- Mechanisms to increase variation (in bacteria and eukaryotes)
- Populations Continue to Evolution (Types of selection)
- Speciation & Extinction
- Speciation; and Reproductive Isolation
- Stickleback Evolution
- Phylogenetics (Cladograms)
- LAB: Comparing DNA Sequences
- Abiogenesis & Miller's Experiment
- Origin of Life - Scientific Evidence
- The Essential Characteristics of Life are Conserved & Evolution of Eukaryotes
- Endosymbiosis
- The Three Domains of Life (start at 3 min - end)

The Kahn Academy can lecture you on
- Allele frequency, the Hardy Weinberg Equation, and Applying the equationCleearly Stated'sWhat is evolution?, Evidence of Evolution and Chemical Evolution and Can Evolution Explain the Origin of Life?
Learn Genetics: Variation + Selection & Time; Evolution in Action
PHET Simulation: Natural Selection
PBS: Why Does Evolution Matter Now

Harvard's Horizontal Gene Transfer; Molecular Evolution and The Early Earth; Speciation in Gators

Allele A1Simulation:
-Allele A1 Program Download
-YouTube Allele A1 Demo (Duke U.)

The Species Problem - Various ways to define species
Speciation by Cornell's Ornithology Lab

 UNI T #11


Class 1
  • Plant Responses: Dandilion Demo of phototropism (Need Handout) if Dandilions are available;
  • Discuss Phototropisms & Photoperiodism (Binder 335 +)
    • Plant Responses ppt
  • Text 31.1 (pg. 650-2 only), 31.3;
  • Watch Bozeman's Behavior & Natural Selection (9 min);
  • Watch McGraw-Hill's animation of Phytochromes (2 min);
Lab 2
  • AP Lab #12: Rolly Polly behavior: Taxis (Complete in this Lab)
    • (Alternate apparatus for Fruit Fly behavior - for teachers)
  • Text 39.3
  • Relevent AP Lab Manual pg. 145 - 150
  • Optional: Ladybird Terrorists
Class 2
  • Explain Biome Project with Google Slides (Binder pg. 345)
    • Choose one Biome
    • Assigned one human intrusion for application of concepts presentation;
  • Plant Response: Phototropisms & Photoperiodism (Binder pg. 335+)
    • Plant Responses ppt
  • Text 31.2
  • Use Binder pg. 341 as you watch Bozeman's Mechanisms of Timing (10 min);
Class 3
  • LAB: Analyze Behavior Case Study(Kin selection of Belding's Squirrel - Binder pg.341+);

  • Text 39.6
NOT IN 2021-2022
  • Animal Behavior Topics and Videos Behavior & Abiotic Factors ppt
    Interactions: Binder p. 339
  • Quorum sensing in Bacteria - Cell communication using local regulators; infomration transmitted by signal transduction pathway
  • Text 39.4
  • Watch Bozeman's Animal Behavior
  • OPTIONAL: Review: Mr. Kuffke's Prezi on Behavior
  • OPTIONAL: Animal Mind control by Parasites; Nice; Listening to Bacteria
Week 30: apr. 11 - 15 (4 days: Fri - senior Skip Day)
Lab 1
  • AP Lab #10: Energy Dynamics & Primary Productivity -
    • Design an Experiment (Binder Pg. 369-373)
    • Lab Primary Productivity ppt
  • Text 42.3
  • Make 2 slides/person for your biome presentation
Class 1
  • Population Growth & Regulation (Binder pg. 347+)
    • Populations ppt
  • Text 40.3 and 40.4
  • Watch Bozeman's r and K Selection
  • OPTIONAL (but useful for absentees): Bozeman's Exponential Growth and Logistic Growth and Population Ecology (7 min. - Med. Animations); Mr. Knuffke's Prezi on Population Growth
Lab 2
  • AP Lab #10: Energy Dynamics & Primary Productivity (follow-up Binder Pg. 369-373);
    • Measure D.O.
    • Lab Primary Productivity ppt
    • (Possible extension: Habital Planet: Interactive Labs: Disease Lab (a simulation))
  • Watch Bozeman's Ecosystems;
  • Make 2 slides/person of your Biome presentation;
  • Do Intro to Population Problems (Binder pg. 351 #1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10 (part b is asking for the net change in the population size)
    • Answers will be posted HERE
  • Do Applying Concepts to Cactus Finch (Binder 353-356)
    • Answers will be posted here
Class 2
  • Population Growth & Regulation (Binder pg. 347+)
    • Populations ppt
    • Equations of Population Growth; Life Histories;
    • Human Population Growth (Binder pg. 353 (intro problems), 347 and 355+ (many problems))
    • Populations ppt
  • Text 40.5 and 40.6
  • Work some on two biome slides
  • Try Intro to Population Growth Practice Problems (Binder 351+ #4, 5, 9)
    • Answers will be posted here
Class 3

No School for Seniors: Senior Skip Day

No School
Week 31: apr. 18 - 22 (potpourri Week)
Lab 1
  • Videos: Community Structure: (Binder pg. 379-380)
    • Communities & Succession ppt
  • Text 41.1 - 41.2
  • Complete lab report on primary productivity (Binder pg. 369-373) - explained in class;
  • Watch Bozeman's Populations (on Population interactions) and Niche and Aposematic Coloration
  • Make 4 slides per partner of your Biome presentiation.
  • Optional: Mr. Knuffke's Prezi on Community Interactions
Optional: Interesting story of Jerry Coyne, who has a botfly egg deposited on his head, on NPR's Radiolab (16 min).
Class 1
  • Energy flow in ecosystems:
    • Food chains &
    • Food Webs
    • (Binder pg. 365+);
    • Ecosystem Processes ppt
  • Evaluate Data from AP Lab Energy Dynamics (Binder pg. 375+)
    • Do Practice Energy flow Problems (Binder p. 377)
  • Try Population Growth Practice Problems (Binder 355+ #6, 7, 9, 10, next are m.c. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18-21 graph changes)
    • Answers will be HERE;
  • Optional: Mr. Knuffke's Prezi on Ecosystem Structure
Lab 2
  • LAB: Simpson's Diversity Index (Binder 381)
  • Text 41.4
  • Overview of Ecological Interactions Bozeman's Biotic and Abiotic Factors
Class 2
  • Succession
  • Finish Ecology Concepts
    • Ecosystem Processes ppt
  • Text 41.3
  • Watch Bozeman's Ecological Succession;
  • Finish polishing your Biome Presentation;
  • Optional:
    Deadly Algae in Water Supply 2014
Class 3
  • The Origin of Life; (Binder pg. 383 -384)
    • Explore the timeline
    • The Origin of Eukaryotes (Endosymbiosis and Infolding)
    • The Origin of Multicellularity Origin of Life ppt
  • Text 24.1
  • Watch Bozeman's The Origin of Life - Scientific Evidence
  • Watch Bozeman's Endosymbiosis Optional: Origin of Multicellularity; Endosymbiosis
  • OPTIONAL: Miller - The Story Behind the Science and ClearStated's Video of Miller Experiment
  • Options: Threatened Mexican desert Pools Hold clues to Early Life

Week 32: Apr 25 - 29 (no Thursday - Senior Health Day)
Lab 1
  • Lab: Group Presentations: Biomes & Human Intrusions in Ecosystems
  • Finish your Biome Presentation;
  • OPTIONAL: Global Warming - the Story Behind the Science and Mr. Knuffke's Prezi on Human Impacts and Prezi on Conservation Biology Another Human Intrusion: Drugging the Environment
Class 1
  • Complete Origin of Life
  • The three Domains of Life The 3 Domains ppt
  • Text 25.1, 25.2
  • Do these multiple choice Questions: Binder pg. 395 - 420 #TBA
Lab 1
  • Ecology Review
  • Practice Analysis Questions (Binder pg. 387 - 412)
  • Do Ecology Practice Questions (# TBA Binder pg. 387 - 412)
Class 2

No School for Seniors: Senior Health Day

No School
Class 3 TEST: Unit #11; Chapters: 39.3-39.6, 40, 41, 42, 43 Prepare for TEST:
STUDY GUIDES Response & Behavior
Focus Questions: 31.3, 31.5, 31.6, Structure your knowledge: 2 (Draw this on the bottom of page 230) Multiple Choice: 7. 8, 12
Ch. 37:
Focus Questions: All, Structure your knowledge: 1 (Write a description on the bottom of pg. 286) Multiple Choice: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15

Ch. 39: Focus Questions:39.1, 39.5, 39.6, 39.8 Structure your knowledge:1, 3 (Write on the bottom of pg. 304) Multiple Choice: 1, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19,
Ch. 40:
Focus Questions: 40.5 - 40.9 Structure your knowledge: 2 Matching: None Multiple Choice: All except 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 21,
Ch. 41: Focus Questions: 41.1, 41.2, 41.3, 41.4 Structure your knowledge: 1, 2 (Writ eon pg. 328) Multiple Choice: All except 8, 14, 15
Ch. 42: Focus Questions: 42.2, 42.3, 42.5, Structure your knowledge: 1 and 2 (Write on hte bottom of page 328) Multiple Choice: 1 - 8
Ch. 43: Focus Questions: 43.1, 43.5, 43.7 Structure your knowledge: 4 (Write on a piece of paper) Multiple Choice: 1, 2 4, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15
OTHERS Objectives for Test #11 Objectives for Unit #12
Working with Data: Nickel and plants; nicotine and plant defense; Eyes and Rods;
Working with Data: Habitat Fragmentation, Wildlife Corridors,

Response & Behavior: 23, 59, 146(d,e), 149, 158, 7, 8, 44, 60, 114b, 115, 130, 149, 164C, 178, 8, 44, 84c, 89, 122, 149, 155, 177, 8, 44, 84c, 89, 122, 149, 155, 177, 234, 241

Ecology: 1, 18, 23, 77, 95, 115, 131, 158, 160B, 208 (b), 168A, 179, 181, 186, 189, 208, 20, 26, 50a, 61a, 104 cd, 134, 159, 168A, 174, 10, 33, 50b-c, 61b-c, 104a, 148(a), 164, 204, 12, 45, 46, 76c, 73, 85, 92, 104b, 110, 118, 140, 151, 160C, 164B, 172, 184, 194, 221, 224, 231, 237, 242, 245 (long), 246 (long) , 247, 249, Review Essays 187, 190


Mr. Anderson can walak you through
- Nervous System
- The Sensory System
- Muscle System
- Behavior & Natural Selection: Plant Response, Pollination, & Animal Mating Strategies
Mechanisms of Timing- Phototropism, Photoperiodism, Circadiam Rhythms, & Quarum sensing in bacteria

- Resting Potential by Pacific Media and Action Potential by Medicine Animations

- Why do your knuckels crack (explanation) and video?

History: Recording an Action Poential by Hodgkin; Squid Axon Nerve Removal (MIT)
Kahn Academy can lecture you about
- The Nervous System (neurons, the Na+/K+ pump, Action potentials, saltatory conduction (with myelin sheath), and synapses)
- Muscle Function (actin & myosin, tropomyosin & troponin, & sarcoplasmic reticulum)
Raven's Animation:
- Phytochromes (Pr and Pfr) (McGraw Hill animation) or at Youtube
- Pearson's Animation of (1) The neuromuscular junction, (2) the Excitation of the Muscle Fiber and (3) The Cross Bridge Cycle
- Crash Course in Big Guns: Muscle System (somewhat enetertaining and educational)

History: Recording an Action Poential by Hodgkin; Squid Axon Nerve Removal (MIT)
ahn Academy can lecture you about
- The Nervous System (neurons, the Na+/K+ pump, Action potentials, saltatory conduction (with myelin sheath), and synapses)
- Muscle Function (actin & myosin, tropomyosin & troponin, & sarcoplasmic reticulum)
Raven's Animation:
- Phytochromes (Pr and Pfr) (McGraw Hill animation) or at Youtube
- Pearson's Animation of (1) The neuromuscular junction, (2) the Excitation of the Muscle Fiber and (3) The Cross Bridge Cycle
- Crash Course in Big Guns: Muscle System (somewhat enetertaining and educational)
Mr. Anderson will continue to walk you thorugh the last topics of the year:
- Behavior & Natural Selection
- Response to External Environments - Address hibernation & Migration & Temperature control
- Cellular Cooperation (Bozeman)
- Abiotic & Biotic Factors- distinctions
- Populations (& Communities)
- Exponential Growth (Equations) & Logistic Growth (Equations)
- Population Modeling in Spreadsheets
- Communities and Ecological Succession
- Biodiversity
- Ecosystems & Populations Food Chains, Primary Productivity, Logistic Growth
- Ecosystem Change
- Homeostatic Disruptions - Includes Brown Tree Snake

Kristina Gremski tries her hand with
Energy Transfer in Ecosystems - Food Chains
Water & Carbon cycles
Nitrogen & Phosphorus cyclesHarvard's Invasive Species Tutorial
Marmosets learn by watching one another (J. Nature)

 UNIT #12

 REVIEW FOR THE AP BIOLOGY TEST - Separate Binder of Pages

Week 33: May 2 - 6 (MON.- LAST DAY FOR SENIORS - no class periods 6, 7 &8; Revew handouts coming; tues - no school)
Lab 1

Discuss test structure

Review Statistics and practice problems

Collect 2018 Practice Exam Scantron & Grid page

  • Do the 2018 Practice Exam
    • Review Binder pages 109-168 multiple choice and calculation problems only).
    • You may use resources if necessary to determine your answers.
    • Write your answers on a scantron;
    • put the calculation answers on the grid sheet.
    • Here is the look of the AP Bio Test Booklet (2013)
    • Of possible value: Try Virtual labs for review
Class 1

No School; Break

  • Do the 2017 Practice Exam
    • Review Book pages 169 - 227; multiple choice AND calculation problems)
    • Write your answers on a scantron & grid sheet.
Lab 2
  • Handback 2018 Practice Exam; Collect the 2017 and 2016
  • Practice Exam Scantrons and Grid Pages
  • Review the Calculation problems
  • Do a couple Data Analysis Practice (Binder pg. 11 - 14)
  • Round Robin FRQs (5 Questions) - Whiteboards
  • Start Calculation Review Problems (Binder 15 - 24)
  • Meeting Time:
  • Do the 2016 Practice Exam
    • Review Book pages 228-280; multiple choice AND calculation problems)
    • Write your answers on a scantron & grid sheet.
Class 2
  • Hand back the 2016 & 2015 Practice Exams
  • Review the Calculation problems of the 2016 & 2015 Exam
  • Complete the Calculation Review Problems (Binder 27 - 36)
  • AP Bio Lab Review
  • Meeting Time:
  • Do the following:
  • Finish any AP Bio Practice tests that you haven't yet finished.
  • Come with a list of topics that you are least sure of.
  • Go through your text book, your notes, your lab manual, your binders. What do you remember the least?
  • Write the list down and give it to me tomorrow. I'll use it to plan the things we will cover on Friday.
Class 3
  • AP Bio Lab Review
  • Review - Topics - Student Choice
  • Details of the exam; what to bring to exam
  • Meeting Time:

  • Do the 2019 Practice Exam
    • ALONE, NO RESOURCES & TIMED, 90 minutes!! (review Book pages 65 - 108; multiple choice AND calculation problems; not the essays)
    • Write your answers on a scantron & grid page.
Be Hardcore Bio

Check out some of the review videos below. Try any remaining AP Exams I have given you. Study with a friend; ask one another questions. Sleep well Sunday night! Look at the remaining AP Bio Tests (answers will be distributed)

Review Resources
  • Mr. Anderson goes over the new AP labs (Part 1 and Part 2)
  • Mr. Anderson reviews: Homeostasis, Natural Selection, Speciation, Cell Communication,
  • Some Free AP Bio Review Questions at (can also purchase an upgrade) and their new (2016) upgrade:
    Math Bench - Biology Modules
  • Mr. Knuffle's Review Powerpoints - Nice Syntheses: Evolution, Matter, Energy, Information, Regulation, Communication, Interactions
Week 34: May 10 - 14 (Bahe at Biology DreYland) - Prepare on your own

Wed May 11

Afternoon 11:45 am-- in the ?????????? Room (probably MultiPurpose Room)
Be on time - in fact, BE EARLY!! Bring pencils, pens and a watch!! Bring a good calculator and extra batteries. Bring a snack for the break time.
Good Luck!!

Chapter 5 Active Reading Guide Ap Bio Answer Key


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